Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Car to lake: 110 yards from parking space at north eastern end.

Round the lake: 1.2 miles

Time taken: 10 minutes! (see below)

Overwater was never one of the lakes I looked forward to circumnavigating. I've always known of it's existence but, until today, had only seen it once; while attending a friend's wedding at the nearby eponymous hotel in 1980. I was underwhelmed by the lake then and both my wife and I were underwhelmed again today. 

Turning off the Castle Inn - Uldale road, past the Hotel entrance, we came to a small parking area where a small, straight beck leaves the lake through what appears to be a man made channel. We passed various signs warning us not to think of going fishing and a two minute walk brought us to the water's edge. The lake on which we gazed has little in common with most on my target list; it possesses few attractive features and would be better placed in the midlands or south of England than in the Lake District. It does have a view of Skiddaw in one direction but towards all other points of the compass the outlook is relatively featureless.

Perhaps the best view of Overwater on this sunny winter afternoon

We set off in an anti clockwise direction, through some trees, but quickly got to a position where there was no clear way ahead. Looking forward, it appeared that to walk around this lake, even allowing for it's relatively small size, would involve more effort than it could possibly be worth and, I'm afraid, we decided to head off elsewhere in search of an alternative!

There just appeared to be no obvious way to walk around Overwater - so we gave up!

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